Unleash Your Inner Radiance: Transformative 1:1 Coaching with Francesca Loux

Are you ready to stop playing small and share your unique magic with the world?

You’ve heard that quiet voice inside of you, insisting that you’re meant for something epic!

You’re tired of surface-level connections and “meh”-level sex…

And of letting other people and your own insecurities dictate your boundaries, your decisions, and how much of your authentic  expression you allow to shine through.

You want to experience adventure, pleasure and freedom…

To love with your whole heart…

And to powerfully create your own path in life!

But it can be easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle, the daily distractions, and feel the weight of old fears holding you back once again.

Imagine a life where you fully trust yourself, speak your truth unapologetically, and step into your own extraordinary story.

It's time to rewrite your narrative, transform your reality, and embrace the magic that's been patiently waiting to emerge!

Let's face it…

There’s a part of you that’s been silenced for too long.

The voice coming from deep inside you isn't just a faint whisper anymore; it's a powerful roar!

It's time to overcome the unseen blocks that have been limiting you.

Societal norms and wounds from the past can feel like an invisible cage...

But let me tell you a secret – that cage is meant to be shattered.

Together, we're going to rewrite your story. 

Hello Beautiful, I’m Francesca Loux…

Your fellow traveler, soulful guide, and a firm believer in the magic that resides within us all.

When it comes to standing fully in your power, I understand the weight of guilt and the fears that hold you back – because I've been there too.

Having experienced shame and self-doubt deeply, I understand the journey towards finding your authentic self and confidently reclaiming your power.

Today, I stand before you, not just as a coach but as a living testament to the transformation that awaits you.

I took control of my own future, crafting my own business, and shaping how I spend my precious time.

I transformed from a pushover,  allowing others to write my story,  into an empowered woman who confidently shapes her own narrative.

It is my absolute honor to guide you on your path of healing and self-discovery.

Our weekly 60 to 75-minute sessions will dive into my holistic 3-part approach that weaves together the mental, physical, and energetic realms.

Together, we'll unravel the layers that have held you back, awakening the radiant woman you're destined to be.

Here are some of the profound shifts you can expect to experience as we work together to transform your reality from the inside-out:

🌟Confidence & Self-Trust: Say goodbye to self-doubt and hello to unshakable self-trust. Stand tall and speak your truth proudly  in any situation, whether it's relationships, public speaking, or asking for that raise you deserve.

🌟 Embracing Sensual Pleasure: Shed shame, guilt, and body insecurities. Reclaim your relationship with pleasure and desire, and experience a profound connection with your body.

🌟 Deep love: Break free of the cycle of toxic, short term, shallow relationships and find secure, healthy, long-term partnership.

🌟 Success Across All Areas: Transition from gifting your time to claiming your worth. Forge a path of success in your career, relationships, and life pursuits, while radiating the courage and confidence that only self-trust and worthiness can bring.

🌟 Energetic Empowerment: Tap into your sexual/creative/life force energy! Create unbreakable energetic boundaries so that the people and situations around you no longer have the power to energetically drain you.

From Shadows to Radiance: Your Transformation Awaits
This is your invitation to experience a 12-week journey of self-discovery, tailored to your unique essence.

Embrace the Three-Fold Path to Empowerment

Mental Mastery

Shift from self-doubt to self-confidence, from fear to courage, from scarcity to abundance. Transform limiting beliefs and rewire your brain for lasting change through inner child work, shadow work, and exploring the archetypes. Together, we'll rewrite the stories that have limited your potential, and embrace a new narrative: one that empowers you to pursue your dreams, believe in your worth, and conquer any challenge that comes your way.

embodied healing

Dissolve tensions, embrace sensations, and create a sacred connection between your physical and spiritual self through the magic of breathwork, body meditation, movement, sound, and touch. This is your opportunity to heal from the past physical and emotional wounding that can be held within the body, allowing you to move through life with a newfound sense of grace and ease,

energetic liberation

Ignite your sexual energy, clear energetic blocks and strengthen your energetic boundaries through Tantric and Sacred Sexuality practices, working with the chakra system, and energy activation. With an invigorated sense of vitality and power, you’ll radiate confidence and effortlessly magnetize opportunities and relationships that align with your desires.

Read What Clients Are Saying

“When I started to work with Francesca, I was feeling very low and I felt I’d lost all my strength. I had tried different ways to get my power back but it didn’t work.
 Francesca helped me in a way that was very open, by letting me figure out where my own boundaries, spirit, sexuality and strength are. She helped me to reclaim my own inner authority-my own inner queen, who is the only one that can tell me what is right or wrong.
 Through visualizations, breathwork and meditations, we explored the different feminine archetypes in my inner landscape. I now know that those archetypes are all part of me and can always be called upon when needed.
 What I love most is that she handed me the tools to see and heal myself. For that I am forever grateful because those tools will now always be in my reach.
 Francesca’s energy is so positive and light and I always felt safe with her because she is very gentle when she feels something is difficult. 
 I wish that every woman could experience this journey. The world is clearly in need of powerful, beautiful women who are in touch with their magic sexuality, all in their own way. Through her work, I feel that Francesca is calling for the divine feminine to rise!”

"Coaching with Francesca has been tremendously transformative. I have been given greater awareness of my body's sensations and have tapped into the ability to alchemize pain, trauma, and negativity within a supportive container. I thought that sexual empowerment coaching would give me more confidence in the bedroom, and that's certainly part of it, but there's so much more. I discovered the inner strength to process my grief, feel more deeply, and bask in a meditative presence more often in my daily life. I'm able to give myself the approval I had been seeking, and empower my inner goddess to create and attract the abundance, beauty and magic that I know I deserve.
Francesca's coaching is gentle yet strong; she is able to quickly mirror/narrate any difficulty and apply one of several practices that have become her toolbox for opening up and allowing the natural wisdom of the body to heal itself. I'm so grateful I said YES to this course, and have been incorporating these tools into my own practice as well. I feel that as I step into greater self-love, centering and finding my inner resources are almost second nature and I can show up even more for my clients, friends and family.
Thank you again, Francesca, for your diligence, your creative and fun personality, and your impeccable service to women's transformation. You've made the secretive and sometimes intimidating world of sexual healing and tantra accessible to more people, and this power can heal so much wounding. Together we can do anything - I'm so grateful for our connection."

“I can not recommend Francesca Loux more! She has incredible skills in space holding with such a grounded, gentle and inviting manner. In every session I’ve had with her I have felt held, deeply seen and understood. I’ve also felt a sense of ease and safety in sharing my most vulnerable issues.
Francesca earned my trust after just the first session we had together and I knew that every part of myself and experience would be welcome. I love the way that she leads breath work, somatic processes and embodiment tools. She has a way of explaining things that helps me to really understand what we are doing and why, which is so helpful when resistance comes up!
Francesca has helped me to release old beliefs about myself and some that I didn’t even realize I had!! She has helped me to increase my feelings of worthiness, lovability, self-acceptance and confidence. I enjoyed our sessions so much that I have decided to work with Francesca again to further deepen and expand my relationship to my sexuality and gain full confidence in who I am!”
 — Jess

inner sanctuary

Your Journey of Transformation

embodied freedom

In our first session together, we’ll begin by creating a foundation of inner safety, building a sanctuary within your body where you can trust, heal, and grow.

As we move through the program, I’ll introduce you to powerful techniques to dissolve tension and infuse your body with newfound freedom and ease.

ignite energy

sacred homeplay

We'll harness the potent force of sexual energy, clearing blocks and embracing pleasure as a resource for transformation.

You’ll receive a weekly practice to complete before our next session. Think: guided meditation, pleasure practices and practical actions towards your dreams!

empowered accountability

We’ll stay in touch in between sessions to keep you on track with your desires, I’ll be here cheering you on every step of the way!

Taste the sweetness of self-love, savor the sensual alchemy of self-empowerment and indulge in the divine journey of unveiling your true essence…

Our journey together is a tailored exploration of your unique essence, an intimate dance between your past and your limitless potential.
Here's a glimpse of the transformative path we'll walk together:

sign me up!

$2,200 for 12 sessions

Your transformation is a sacred journey, and I'm committed to making it accessible to all. I have a limited number of sliding scale and partial scholarship spots available to individuals with a low-income situation or those from historically marginalized communities. if this applies to you feel free to contact me to discuss further.

Your Investment in You

I totally get it - embarking on a transformative journey can be both exciting and challenging.
When I first stood at this very threshold myself, there was a part of me that wanted to run to the hills screaming…
It's natural to have doubts and fears, but remember this: the path to empowerment is often hidden behind the very obstacles that hold you back.
It's common to feel apprehensive about stepping into the unknown.
But here's the secret: the magic lies in embracing uncertainty.
Your journey with me is an exploration of self, and within that exploration, you'll discover your true power.
We all grapple with self-doubt, but it's important to remember that doubt doesn't define you. 
It's a signal that you're on the verge of growth.
Through our coaching, you'll learn to navigate self-doubt and emerge stronger than ever.
Change can be daunting, especially when it involves transforming your beliefs, habits, and relationships.
But consider this: change is the catalyst for growth.
Together, we'll navigate the terrain of change and create a foundation for your radiant transformation.

What's holding you back, my love?

Are you ready to step beyond your comfort zone, embrace the unknown, and take a leap of faith that will entirely transform your destiny?

Hell yes!

book a call

Let's have a heart-to-heart conversation to explore how my 1:1 coaching program can set your soul on fire. Reach out to me today to schedule your call, and let's connect on a deeper level.

It’s a no pressure opportunity for us to get a feel for one another. You can ask me anything - and I’ll do my very best to guide you in the direction of your highest good, be that working with me - or not at all!

Don't let your desires remain whispers. Embrace your true essence, step into your power, and embody your authentic self. The radiant woman within you is ready to shine!

so what's next?

Psilocybin FACILITATION with Francesca Loux

I am a Licensed Psilocybin Facilitator.
License FL- b3d63d67
I specialize in: women’s sexuality, body image, relationship challenges, self-esteem/self-love/confidence, grief/heartbreak, creativity & getting “un-stuck” in life.

Must be 21+ to enter

The Positive Effects of Psilocybin

Taking a psilocybin journey with the appropriate facilitator can help you overcome issues such as anxiety, depression, chronic pain, trauma, substance use, PTSD, negative thoughts, end-of-life transitions, and more. 
Psilocybin has been shown in multiple studies to benefit people with these conditions.
Studies have also shown that psilocybin promotes neuroplasticity, the ability of the brain to form new neuronal networks. New connections between the neurons in your brain can help you change unwanted behaviors and unhealthy thought patterns. Psilocybin appears to rewire your brain the same way you would in the act of learning new skills – a psilocybin journey simply seems to amplify the process.
Modern, peer-reviewed science repeatedly shows that, when experienced in the proper mindset and setting, psilocybin experiences have been shown to promote:
Physical and emotional healing
Increased feeling of well-being
Spiritual inquiry
Creative exploration and enhancement
Increased productivity

Schedule a consultation

Introducing the Journey Ahead

Your voyage with Psilocybin is a carefully crafted 4-part journey:

The consultation will give us a chance to meet and feel into the possibility of working together. I will ask you some initial questions about why you are feeling called to a psilocybin journey, your experience level with psychedelics, and your health (to make sure this is a good fit for you at this time). We'll go over what to expect if we move forward.
There will also be space for you to ask questions about me, psilocybin, or any part of the experience that will help you decide if we are a good fit.

Consultation- 30 minutes, virtual zoom meeting
Preparation Session- 90 minutes, virtual Zoom meeting)
Administration Session- usually 2 to 6 hours, up to 8 hours, in-person at a licensed service center in Portland, OR
Integration Session- 90 minutes, virtual Zoom meeting
This session forms the foundation of your journey. We will explore your intention, clarifying what you truly desire to receive from this experience. You’ll have an opportunity to share any challenges, fears, or past wounds that may rise to the surface, ready to be released, setting the stage for your transformative journey.
During this time, we will also review your intake form, and go over the state-required paperwork to make sure everything is clear.
We’ll go over boundaries, and make agreements to help keep you safe during your session.
I’ll share details about what to expect: how to prepare, potential effects you may experience, and how to navigate any challenging moments during the journey.
We’ll also work together to curate the details of your psilocybin session, including the right dosage, music, any opening/closing rituals, and how I can best support you.

Together, we'll set the container for this powerful experience, grounding ourselves and creating both inner and outer safe spaces. During this session, you’ll be guided by the wisdom of psilocybin to embark on a profound inner exploration. I will be there to support you every step of the way. You can read more about what to expect below.

Following your administration session, the integration phase unfolds. This is where the insights you've gained are carried on into your daily life. We'll reflect on your journey,  extract meaning and apply it to your life's bigger picture. I can also provide tools, somatic practices, and/or meditations to support your ongoing integration process, empowering you to continue your transformational journey far beyond the initial experience.

While I will be with you every step of the way, the psilocybin itself will be your guide. This medicine is a wise ally that always provides what you need, no more and no less (although there may be moments of intensity). Having set your intention, now is the time to let go of expectations and simply allow.

My role, as your licensed facilitator, is to be your unwavering support. As the effects gradually unfold over 20 to 60 minutes, I can guide you in a grounding or gentle body movement practice, or we can sit in meditative silence.

As the effects intensify, a moment comes when it's important to journey within. It's a time to close your eyes and embrace inner exploration, as talking may distract us from the inner realms. You may want to lie down and put on an eye mask.

As your facilitator, I'll hold space and offer non-directive support, helping you to feel comfortable, and encouraging you to explore what arises. It is important to keep an open mind and simply stay present with the insights, feelings, and sensations of each moment, rather than anticipating any specific or "typical" experience.

As the journey progresses, you may encounter moments of release- of emotion, past wounding, and tension that has been held within your body and mind. You may notice new perspectives, or sparks of creativity that redefine your approach to old problems. 

The peak experience will eventually recede, paving the way for a return to grounding. But our journey doesn't end here; it extends to the days that follow as your brain's neuroplasticity continues to work its magic!

What should I expect in a typical administration session?

Psilocybin+ Coaching

While it is essential to have at least one preparation and one integration session, many people find great benefit in having a longer container of support. If so, 1 or more psilocybin sessions can be added to my 3 month coaching package.
This allows us to begin exploring your goals and desires, as well as any obstacles or inner blocks holding you back from reaching them, in a way that is gentler than a psychedelic journey, yet equally profound.
Your psilocybin journey will be a non-directive experience, meaning that I will not be guiding or coaching you during this time. But having my coaching support beforehand will help you learn meditation, visualization, and body connection techniques that you can use to ground yourself during your psilocybin journey, allowing you to go deeper and surrender further into that experience. You’ll also be more familiar with the different parts or aspects of yourself that may show up, allowing you to greet them with more understanding and openness.
We can continue our coaching after your initial integration session, helping you to apply the new perspectives and understandings gained in your psilocybin experience to your inner healing journey in a sustainable, long-lasting way.
If you feel you would benefit from this deeper level of support, we will customize the intention of each coaching session, as well as the cadence of the psilocybin sessions, in a way that fits your unique situation.

There are 3 different parts of the investment. My rate of 1200$ covers the consultation, 1 preparation session, 1 psilocybin and 1 integration session.

The cost for the service center rental and psilocybin product vary by location and dosage, but will typically be between 600$-800$ combined. 

I have a limited number of sliding scale and partial scholarship spots available to individuals with a low-income situation, or those from historically marginalized communities. If this applies to you feel free to contact me to discuss further.

schedule a consultation

Total Investment

Is psilocybin a good fit for me?


Journeying with psilocybin can be a powerful step in the path to self-discovery, personal growth & transformation. However, it is important to note that psilocybin is not the right fit for everyone.
 There are certain conditions and medications that are contraindicated with psilocybin. This is why we will discuss your health, wellness, and medication profile at length before deciding to proceed. You are encouraged to be as honest and open as possible about your current situation, to help ensure that any sessions go as smoothly and safely as possible.

 Some psychedelic experiences can be quite intense and/or cathartic. Challenging emotions, memories, or physical sensations may arise during the session. This is why it is important to have the support of a skilled facilitator from preparation all the way through to integration. It is best to expect that you may need the space to slow down and be more introspective for at least a day or 2 after your journey.
 I encourage you to consult with medical or therapy providers if you have any concerns. I am happy to join into conversation with them, to make sure everyone is on board with a safety & support plan for you as you approach this work.


Is it legal to take psilocybin mushrooms?

Yes! In the state of Oregon, individuals over the age of 21 may use psilocybin under the oversight of a licensed facilitator in a licensed Service Center. You do not need a prescription or diagnosis.



Can I arrange a group psilocybin journey with my partner or friends?

Absolutely. Group sessions are a great way to invite in the power of collective intention setting, and to deepen into understanding of and connection with your loved one/s. Group sessions also offer an opportunity for lower cost per person. Depending on the size of the group, I may reach out to my network of co-facilitators to invite in additional support. Please reach out to me to discuss the unique needs and desires of your group.
Moving forward, I will also be offering low-dose workshops where a small amount of psilocybin is combined with guided breathwork, movement, and visualization. Check my upcoming events for more info!



Read What Clients Are Saying

“When I started to work with Francesca, I was feeling very low and I felt I’d lost all my strength. I had tried different ways to get my power back but it didn’t work.
 Francesca helped me in a way that was very open, by letting me figure out where my own boundaries, spirit, sexuality and strength are. She helped me to reclaim my own inner authority-my own inner queen, who is the only one that can tell me what is right or wrong.
 Through visualizations, breathwork and meditations, we explored the different feminine archetypes in my inner landscape. I now know that those archetypes are all part of me and can always be called upon when needed.
 What I love most is that she handed me the tools to see and heal myself. For that I am forever grateful because those tools will now always be in my reach.
 Francesca’s energy is so positive and light and I always felt safe with her because she is very gentle when she feels something is difficult. 
 I wish that every woman could experience this journey. The world is clearly in need of powerful, beautiful women who are in touch with their magic sexuality, all in their own way. Through her work, I feel that Francesca is calling for the divine feminine to rise!”

"Coaching with Francesca has been tremendously transformative. I have been given greater awareness of my body's sensations and have tapped into the ability to alchemize pain, trauma, and negativity within a supportive container. I thought that sexual empowerment coaching would give me more confidence in the bedroom, and that's certainly part of it, but there's so much more. I discovered the inner strength to process my grief, feel more deeply, and bask in a meditative presence more often in my daily life. I'm able to give myself the approval I had been seeking, and empower my inner goddess to create and attract the abundance, beauty and magic that I know I deserve.
Francesca's coaching is gentle yet strong; she is able to quickly mirror/narrate any difficulty and apply one of several practices that have become her toolbox for opening up and allowing the natural wisdom of the body to heal itself. I'm so grateful I said YES to this course, and have been incorporating these tools into my own practice as well. I feel that as I step into greater self-love, centering and finding my inner resources are almost second nature and I can show up even more for my clients, friends and family.
Thank you again, Francesca, for your diligence, your creative and fun personality, and your impeccable service to women's transformation. You've made the secretive and sometimes intimidating world of sexual healing and tantra accessible to more people, and this power can heal so much wounding. Together we can do anything - I'm so grateful for our connection."

“I can not recommend Francesca Loux more! She has incredible skills in space holding with such a grounded, gentle and inviting manner. In every session I’ve had with her I have felt held, deeply seen and understood. I’ve also felt a sense of ease and safety in sharing my most vulnerable issues.
Francesca earned my trust after just the first session we had together and I knew that every part of myself and experience would be welcome. I love the way that she leads breath work, somatic processes and embodiment tools. She has a way of explaining things that helps me to really understand what we are doing and why, which is so helpful when resistance comes up!
Francesca has helped me to release old beliefs about myself and some that I didn’t even realize I had!! She has helped me to increase my feelings of worthiness, lovability, self-acceptance and confidence. I enjoyed our sessions so much that I have decided to work with Francesca again to further deepen and expand my relationship to my sexuality and gain full confidence in who I am!”
 — Jess